Get Involved!

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You can either sign the online petition or sign in person at one of the following locations in town:

Ottawa Valley Coffee
   32 Elgin St. W.
Remax Office
   215 Daniel St. S.
Ultimate Fitness Gym
   4-53 James St
Seniors Active Living Centre
   77B Madawaska St.
Tina’s Hair Shop
   57C Madawaska St.


Donations to DO NOT go towards our cause. For donations to STGA, please use Interac E-Transfer to:


We have had a lot of media attention. Let's keep the ball rolling! Keep telling others, wear your button, hand out flyers, and follow, like and share our Facebook page. To request buttons, lawn signs and flyers, send an email to:


To receive the latest updates, announcements, events, and media coverage, subscribe to our mailing list.


We have set up a volunteer form. If you would like to offer your help please take a few minutes to fill in the form.


Donations are used to cover the cost of materials including lawn signs, flyers, posters, buttons, website domain name etc. For those wanting to make a donation, please direct your Interac E-Transfer Please share that information with others who may want to contribute.


Let"s not underestimate the power of community.

Below you will find contact information for the parties involved in the sale of this land, as well as contacts for all levels of government. We urge anyone who opposes the development of adjacent land to Gillies Grove to call or email these parties and get your voice heard!

List of Contacts

There was a request at the community gathering last Saturday that we provide form letters. We feel it is important for these parties to hear from individuals, plus we can't speak for each of you. Consequently, we have compiled some information to assist you in writing your own letters:

Thomas Cavanaugh Construction

In writing to Cavanagh we suggest that you address the concerns about the health and longevity of the Grove and that you impress the rarity of this old growth ecosystem. Please also include any personal reasons that you oppose them purchasing this land to develop.

Galilee Centre

Support Information for Letters to Galilee Centre Board of Directors

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Lacombe Canada

Support Information for Letters to OMI Lacombe Provincial Council

Additional TEMPLATE/EXAMPLE LETTERS have been provided by a community member for letters to Lacombe, Galilee Centre, Cavanagh, Mayor McGee and John Yakabuski, Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

Together we can find a better way!