September 15, 2024

Good evening Save the Grove Again community,

We are reaching out with a time sensitive request. On Monday September 16th at 5:00pm Cavanagh's due diligence period on their Agreement of Purchase and Sale will end and the deal will move into a different phase, one that will likely be more concrete. If we want any chance to stop this from progressing we need to get loud. We are calling on all 180 of you to make the time between tonight and Monday to write letters to the following parties:

There was a request at the community gathering last Saturday that we provide form letters. We feel it is important for these parties to hear from individuals, plus we can't speak for each of you. Consequently, we have compiled some information to assist you in writing your own letters:

Thomas Cavanaugh Construction

In writing to Cavanagh we suggest that you address the concerns about the health and longevity of the Grove and that you impress the rarity of this old growth ecosystem. Please also include any personal reasons that you oppose them purchasing this land to develop.

Galilee Centre

Support Information for Letters to Galilee Centre Board of Directors

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Lacombe Canada

Support Information for Letters to OMI Lacombe Provincial Council

Additional TEMPLATE/EXAMPLE LETTERS have been provided by a community member for letters to Lacombe, Galilee Centre, Cavanagh, Mayor McGee and John Yakabuski, Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

Two children in woods-bordered field

We also have a new page up on our website called Get Involved! You can find more contact information for municipal, provincial and federal governments here. We will continue to update it. If you have any suggestions for additions please reach out and let us know.

Let's keep the ball rolling and not let the momentum gained fizzle out. Share this information with others and ask for help. We can make a difference. Please commit to writing these letters not only for our community but for future generations!

Together we can find a better way!

Logo - Trees and water inside a circle Save the Grove Again Committee