September 18, 2024

STGA Chair, Lacey Smith responds to Galilee Centre's Newsletter sent out Monday September 16th, the last day of Cavanagh's due diligence period.

Bucolic winding sandy path through forest-bordered field

At no time in the past year has Galilee Centre reached out to the community for input or assistance. On Monday (the deadline for Cavanagh's period of due diligence) they came out asking the community to email Cavanagh to show our support for a deal that this community has clearly said we are dead set against. There are over 2,500 signatures on our petition that demonstrates this opposition. We are getting requests everyday for lawn signs from members of the community who want to show their support for this cause to stop the development, and many are sending letters of outrage and disappointment to OMI Lacombe, Galilee Centre and Cavanagh Communities.

Galilee's community letter tries to convince us that Cavanaugh Communities is a responsible builder. But, that is beside the point. They are developers – profitable ones. Every square foot of this land will have been mapped out in their calculations to maximize profit. The bank that loans them the cash will demand that. You can be sure – the trees will be cut, the wildlife corridors will be ripped out, and the green will be replaced with concrete and asphalt . We would welcome Cavanagh to build in other areas of Greater Arnprior – but not on this irreplaceable land.

The Galilee Centre is focused on pushing this sale through so that they can ensure their continued operations. This seems reasonable to want to continue operations, but at what cost? As long as their non-profit charitable corporation can continue, the destruction of land (and more poignantly) the globally rare old-growth forest is inconsequential? How have we come to a place where the existence of a corporation is more important than the safekeeping of a biodiverse ecosystem that ensures the health and wellbeing of all?

The Galilee asks in their letter for people to share with Cavanagh "why you believe it is important to continue the mission and vision of the Centre"? I would argue that the Galilee Board of Directors seem to have lost sight of their mission and vision. I would like to highlight an excerpt from their mission statement, one of their objectives is: "To advance ecological projects around sustainable living and care of the planet including but not limited to clean water initiatives, recycling and reforestation."

It is important to note that OMI Lacombe has been trying to develop this land since the 1990's. The Arnprior community said no and stopped it the first time and we are just as passionate today as we stand together and say no AGAIN to development on this precious land.

Galilee Centre claims to have exhausted all avenues and were left with no other choice but to sell to Cavanagh. With two simple phone calls we quickly learned that this was not true. The hospital had been in negotiations with Galilee to purchase land and when the agreement was put in writing the Galilee Board of Directors stopped all communication with the hospital. We also know that the Nature Conservancy of Canada expressed interest in purchasing a portion of the land, and that the Galilee Board never welcomed them to the table to discuss their interest.

Galilee Board tells us this sale is justified because it would save them from closing. We challenge this statement and question their ongoing financial viability – which would be made much worse by the sale. Galilee will not retain any of the sale proceeds – it all goes to OMI Lacombe. Galilee has very old buildings that will require a huge investment of funds if they are to maintain standards required by a retreat centre for public use. We understand that once OMI Lacombe ends their involvement as the members who make up the Galilee Centre Corporation, the Galilee will lose part of their current funding. Most importantly, this sale to Cavanagh would undermine their three most important assets as a retreat centre. Firstly, their natural setting. Galilee is attractive for retreats because of being surrounded on all sides by diverse flora and fauna, on the edge of an old growth forest . Who wants to go for a silent retreat when faced with a construction site and a busy housing subdivision? Secondly, they would undercut their ministry's message. Potential participants will read their values and commitments and then learn of what they have done to their land. Thirdly, they will lose the support of the local community who feel betrayed by their actions.

This land could be protected by the Nature Conservancy of Canada and treasured by future generations. In August, we requested that the Galilee Board of Directors provide the community with the opportunity to help raise funds should the NCC not be able to buy the land for the amount Galilee Centre has determined it needs to purchase the land from OMI Lacombe. There has also been no discussions with the Town of Arnprior. Perhaps council would be interested in increasing the municipal greenspace for a rapidly growing town.

If this development proceeds, it is a reasonable expectation that a sale of the rest of Galilee and OMI Lacombe land will follow in the not too distant future. In a naïve, rash, and ineffective attempt to prolong their survival, Galilee is ready to throw away an important part of Arnprior’s heritage.

We want to make clear that we do not criticize the ministry of Galilee. The staff are excellent and we applaud the ways in which they have served the community. But we do challenge the Board of Directors at Galilee for failing to negotiate with NCC and the community as a whole to find a better way.

Together we can find a better way!

Get Involved!

Write a letter to Cavanagh expressing your opposition to the development:
Owner: Jeff Cavanagh
Contact: Pierre Dufresne
613 257-2918

Find out about other ways that you can make a difference.